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Coronavirus One Year On:

What Should Companies Do Next?

This special report identifies six main archetypes, as follows:

  • Choice Champions: making flexibility and choice the cornerstones of their new workplace strategy
  • Tech Investors: turning the pandemic to positive effect by either accelerating or kick-starting major investment in new technologies such as VR and AR
  • Space Shapers: using the pandemic as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rationalise the real estate portfolio and reduce costs
  • Wellbeing Watchers: escaping a public health crisis by focusing relentlessly on the physical and mental health of their people
  • Data Drivers: putting data at the heart of their corporate strategy and culture in a bid to become more resilient
  • Resolute Returners: aiming to improve company culture, innovation, learning, and productivity by bringing everyone back to the office

Worktech Academy Partnership

Fourfront Group are proud to partner with Worktech Academy, the world’s leading online knowledge platform and member network exploring the future of work and workplace.

Worktech share the latest insights, research, case studies and expert interviews with their global community of high-level professionals, drawing on their worldwide network to harvest the newest knowledge and ideas in six key areas: People, Place, Culture, Design, Technology & Innovation.